We know for a fact how much care and devotion these puppies received from the time they were born. Friends and family took turns being present near the whelping room 24 hours a day. Making sure all was well, and more importantly, being present during the early stages of socialization with the humans who will make up the greater parts of their lives in the family pack. Also good to mention is the stock or pedigree that these fine dogs are bred from. A long list of working dogs on both the sire and mother’s family tree. All highly titled and accomplished dogs from Europe. Our puppy, Lindy, is now just over a year old. She has an excellent temperament and personality. Strong nerves and extremely intelligent. We started her obedience at 8 weeks.
David and LindyShe’s a quick learner and loves to run and play. She is now enrolled in a world renowned canine academy with myself as well. She will soon be a certified bed bug dog. We are also training her for personal protection, tracking / trailing in our courses. She is a natural at detection as well as searching for articles and hidden people in many unfamiliar environments. Prior to our professional courses in detection and protection, we have attended a few local courses in Mondio ring sport. Practicing a few of the exercises such as leaping the 3 meter hurdle and scaling the 9 ft. “Palisade” or sheer wooden wall of which she succeeded 7 ft. of this paliside in one quick lesson. Lindy is a true joy in our family. She has a sweet and loving personality and gets along very well with our 2 much older dogs, our 3 cats and even the chickens as well as with other strange dogs and people. We personally could not ask for a greater friend and companion than our darling Lindy.
David Mustain