Halloween is just around the corner, which means there may be added excitement and risks for your dog. If you plan on taking your pet trick-or-treating with the family, be sure to remember these helpful tips. Make sure you have a good and secure collar, and be sure their I.D. tags are visible and up-to-date with current information. Keep in mind that people in costumes may frighten your dog. If they begin to show anxiety, try motivating them with their favorite toy or returning them home.
If your dog will be staying home with you while you hand out candy, be cognizant of their behavior, as well as their containment. If your dog has a tendency to bolt out doors, crate them or keep them confined with a dog gate. Also, be aware that although your pet may love children, when they are in costume, they could get scared and act differently. If you plan to crate or confine your pet away from the front door, do so a half hour before trick-or-treat begins. This way, you do not create added suspicion by rushing your dog away when the doorbell rings. If your dog will be with you at the door, be sure to have them leashed.
Finally, be aware of where the candy and treats are at all times. With Halloween comes lots of treats and small toys that could be hazardous to your pet. Dispose of all candy wrappers to prevent choking or intestinal obstructions. Make sure children are aware of the dangers associated with feeding their pets candy. Chocolate contains the ingredient theobromine which can cause vomiting or diarrhea. Common signs of chocolate poisoning are: excessive drooling, excessive urination, pupil dialation, rapid heartbeat, vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, muscle tremors, or coma. If you suspect your pet may have gotten into chocolate, contact Animal Poison Control immediately.
By taking these precautionary steps, you and your pet can have a safe and enjoyable Halloween!